The organization of the Festival relies on its travel agency, exclusive partner, to satisfy you as best as possible to organize the stay of your team.

LeFrenchTourism by bertolami, a leading tourist player based in Valence, in the south of France, is an incoming tour operator.

Bertolami Voyages et Autocars, a family business based in the heart of the Drôme for 70 years, is now positioned as a regional company with a receptive vocation in the fields of travel, tours and excursions & passenger transport, with its 150 employees, its integrated production department, its 3 travel agencies, its business experience center and its 100 coaches. Our location gives us all the local expertise, allowing us to select the best of our region, to create and offer unique and exclusive experiences in Groups and Individuals.

For 70 years, we have been bringing the World closer to our Region, always with the same convictions and the same values… those of a receptive and a coach operator, passionate, frequent traveler, in love and proud of assets, curiosities and diversity of his region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

70 years of history, these are as many local partners who share our values and our ways of designing our tailor-made stays and circuits. This knowledge of local actors today offers a real opportunity for authenticity and encounters in an era of tourism that is too often impersonal.

The high level of customer satisfaction we aim for is only possible through experience, dedication and a great passion for France and the Valley of Gastronomy – from Dijon to Marseille, backed by strong and reliable relationships with professional suppliers & partners. We are always committed to fully understanding our customers’ expectations and fulfilling their wishes. France stands out, among the greatest nations in Europe and the most eminent in the whole world, for its wine, its culture, its architectural designs, its fashion and its styles, not to mention its breathtaking landscapes. Our ambition is to allow you to discover them and to transmit to you our love for our territory.